Tuesday, June 11, 2013

About me

Here's a little about me and the scienc-ey/maker-y projects I've done with kids:

I'm an artist, teacher and lover of science, technology and making.
During the school year I am the lead toddler teacher at Alpha Montessori School.  I have taught everywhere from toddlers to kindergartners to fifth graders in both general education and science focused classes/camps.  Here are some photos of things I've done with students from earth science to technology and more:

            "Junk Robot" K class made in celebration of Maker Faire                             Dry Ice and Dish Soap

                                                  Blasting off Rockets                                            LED and coin cell battery

                                           Snake Skin                                              Baking Soda & Vinegar

                                      Car Paintings                                               Snake Banner (Chinese New Year)

                         Watching caterpillars turn into butterflies                                        Making Slime

This year at Science City Summer Camp I'm going to be doing TONS of fun stuff to help kids learn about, understand, and interact with technology.  Keep checking back to see the great things we are doing.

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